Mooring Solution
GISMAN offers custom-made mooring solutions compliant with international standards.
GISMAN offers custom-made mooring solutions compliant with international standards.
- All types of ships: tankers, LNG, passengers' ships, working vessels, tug-boats, fishing boats, etc.,
- All types of site conditions: deep sea, coastal waters, estuary, ports, rivers, etc.,
- Single Point Mooring (SPM) or Multi Buoy Mooring (MBM),
- All type of anchoring solutions: drag embedment anchors, concrete or cast-iron sinkers.
- Rotationally-moulded polyethylene floats from 0.4 to 12 m3,
- 5.5 to 80 tons mooring capacity (SWL),
- Different mooring links available: D-link, S-Shackle or Static-T,
- Associated mooring systems and accessories: chains, shackles, swivels, drag embedment anchors, sinkers, etc.
- Needs and requirements analysis,
- Design and evaluation of solutions by an in-house design and engineering office,
- Commissioning of the equipment,
- Technical assistance.